Social Mediaslcsd Educational Technology Resources

It is a good question whether we need social media while educating. The answer is positive as long as social media helps to learn so many things. Learning is inevitable process while getting an education. There are so many articles upon how social media actually change education. Nov 06, 2019 Benefits of social media in education. Social media and technology are integral parts of daily life, and integrating the use of these into the classroom is more natural than before, given how acclimated many students are to them. Each social media platform offers many different ways to be used in the classroom, from sharing announcements to.

  1. Mar 31, 2018 Edmodo is an educational tool that connects teachers and students, and is assimilated into a social network. In this one, teachers can create online collaborative groups, administer and provide educational materials, measure student performance, and communicate with parents, among other functions.
  2. May 21, 2015 Rachel Langenhorst helps teachers in her district find solutions for those issues. She used to teach social studies, but is now the K-12 Technology Integrationist and Instructional Coach at Rock Valley Community Schools in Iowa. 'Really be cognizant of the digital tools you’re picking and why you are picking them.'

We often see applications of digital technologies in the core subject areas like literacy, math, science and social studies, but how can digital technologies be applied in other areas? Since the days are getting warmer and swimsuit season is upon us, I figured that I'd share some resources for teaching health and wellness in the classroom.


Social Mediaslcsd Educational Technology Resources

Sugar Stacks

This site provides images of everyday food items with the grams of sugar contained in each one represented as a stack of sugar cubes. This is great way to talk about sugar consumption with your students since it makes the word 'grams' tangible for them.

BAM (Body and Mind)

A very kid-friendly website run by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, this one covers everything from nutrition to physical activity to both physical and mental well being.

Running Map

Any track or running team or even physical education class can plan and map their runs through this site. Create a running route ahead of time, and it will also tell you your mileage.



This free online game teaches students to be more savvy about marketing ploys in the media. Students flip through magazine pages and learn about the advertising messages hidden inside.


Zombies, Run Game

This app is mostly for upper elementary/middle school students, but it looks like lots of fun. (If I had time to run at all anymore, I'd use it!) Turn your run into a zombie adventure! While you are running, you are on a post-apocalyptic zombie-avoiding mission. You hear directions and even the sounds of zombies through your headphones.

Social Mediaslcsd Educational Technology Resources


Keep track of how many steps you take throughout a workout or the day. This could be used to help students meet activity goals (I will take ___ steps today), or you could combine it with a math lesson to graph data collected during a walk in the schoolyard (How many inches is Bobby's stride if he took 32 steps to walk 10 yards?).

Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker

Social Mediaslcsd Educational Technology Resources Technology

Have students keep track of how many calories they eat in a day or a week. This could be incorporated into a math or health unit. There is even a way to track physical exercise and compare your stats with friends.