Issue(s) Addressed: | 56896 | The Validate Expression action fails and incorrectly reports an invalid expression in Extract transformations in SAS® Data Integration Studio | 57131 | SAS® Data Integration Studio jobs that contain an SQL subquery lose subquery metadata after you run the Analyze and Repair Tool | 52087 | SAS® Data Integration Studio jobs fail with errors due to metadata server connectivity issues | 56746 | The Expression Builder in SAS® Data Integration Studio incorrectly modifies expression content, which might result in run-time errors | 56809 | Expressions defined in the SQL Join transformation in SAS® Data Integration Studio are incorrectly modified, which might result in run-time errors | 56899 | The Validate Expression action fails and incorrectly reports an invalid expression in File Reader and File Writer transformations | 56918 | When you create a new column in SAS® Data Integration Studio, the Expression Builder window fails to open, and a null pointer exception error occurs | 56919 | Deleting a table in an SQL Set Operators transformation causes jobs to fail in SAS® Data Integration Studio and returns a null pointer exception error | 56926 | The Wait for Completion transformation in SAS® Data Integration Studio fails with the error 'No mappings are defined for one or more target tables' | 56998 | Jobs that are redeployed in SAS® Data Integration Studio might fail with the error '..Unable to find the Application Server for this file..' | 57010 | Performance might be affected when you open and display data in the View Data window in SAS® Data Integration Studio | 57103 | Performing command-line batch deployments in SAS® Data Integration Studio generates code that contains USER= and PASSWORD= instead of AUTHDOMAIN | 57108 | SAS® Data Integration Studio command-line batch deployments fail and return the error 'Unable to initialize the metadata factory' | 57202 | Business Rules transformation options in SAS® Data Integration Studio do not persist in the metadata when the job is saved | 57204 | The Import SAS Code wizard in SAS® Data Integration Studio creates duplicate tables when registering a table | 57299 | A SAS® Data Integration Studio job containing a parameter defined as data library with a SAS® library selected as default generates incomplete code | 57313 | The Create Table transformation in SAS® Data Integration Studio 4.901 does not contain options for Database pass-through | 57320 | The Enterprise Decision Management transformation in SAS® Data Integration Studio does not support Hadoop tables as input or output | 61642 | A grid option set that you select in the SAS® Data Integration Studio 4.901 Loop transformation is not applied at SAS® Grid session launch | 61659 | Code execution fails with 'ERROR: The HADOOP table..already exists, or there is a name conflict with an existing object..' | 58270 | Metadata support for SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Amazon Redshift | 56172 | Disabling a cube in SAS® OLAP Cube Studio or SAS® Data Integration Studio might fail if you are using a load-balanced SAS® OLAP Server | 59569 | Some database management system library options are omitted from explicit SQL pass-through code in SAS® Data Integration Studio | 59403 | 'Error reading metadata: Insufficient memory' occurs when you rename a library in SAS® Data Integration Studio or in SAS® Management Console | 59936 | The SAS® Data Integration Studio Hive transformation automatically deletes the target table | 59942 | The SAS® Data Integration Studio Join transformation generates incorrect code for cross-schema joins of tables using the Hadoop LIBNAME engine | 59960 | The Target Table Pass Through Action property in the Join transformation generates improper code | 59961 | The Target Table is Pass Through property in the Set Operators transformation generates incorrect code | 57962 | The SAS® Data Integration Studio SCD Type 2 Loader transformation generates errors when loading data into an external DBMS | 60579 | Performing command-line batch deployments in SAS® Data Integration Studio generates code without performance-statistics macros | 60595 | Connections between work tables and database libraries are incorrectly removed when these objects are included in metadata import processing | 61015 | Redeploying a stored process returns the 'Cannot redeploy because there is no job metadata associated to this stored process' message | 60622 | Redeploying a job using SAS® Management Console fails with the 'UNKNOWN_ORIGINAL_SOURCE_FILE' error when the deployed job is defined by importing | 62579 | You see '..Invalid object name..' after PROC SQL pass-through code creates an INSERT statement that excludes ## symbols from a temporary table name | 58469 | When you import a SAS® Data Integration Studio job containing a Lookup transformation, 'Error: Lookup has no target column mapping information' occurs | 66134 | SAS® Management Console contains an XML External Entity (XXE) processing vulnerability | Windows | Released: July 06, 2020 | Documentation: W51007wn.htmlD | Download: | Windows for x64 | Released: July 06, 2020 | Documentation: W51007x6.htmlD | Download: | 64-bit Enabled Solaris | Released: July 06, 2020 | Documentation: W51007s6.htmlD | Download: | 64-bit Enabled AIX | Released: July 06, 2020 | Documentation: W51007r6.htmlD | Download: | HP-UX IPF | Released: July 06, 2020 | Documentation: W51007hx.htmlD | Download: | Linux for x64 | Released: July 06, 2020 | Documentation: W51007la.htmlD | Download: | Solaris for x64 | Released: July 06, 2020 | Documentation: W51007sx.htmlD | Download: |