Game 26: November 14, 2014the Initials Game

Initials: T.B.
Host: Cory Cove
Players: Chris Hawkey, Paul Lambert, AJ Mansour, Ben Leber, John Kriesel

  1. Game 26: November 14 2014 The Initials Game On
  2. Game 26: November 14 2014 The Initials Games
  3. Game 26: November 14 2014 The Initials Game Show
1Terry BradshawAJ Mansour2Ben Leber
2Tim BurtonAJ Mansour3
3Tiki BarberAJ MansourChris Hawkey
4Todd BertuzziJohn KrieselBen Leber
5Tom BrokawAJ Mansour1
6Trey BurkeJohn Kriesel1
7Tweety BirdChris HawkeyMeatsauce (BF)
8Tom BradyChris Hawkey2Paul Lambert
9Tyra BanksJohn KrieselPaul Lambert
10Tim BrownBen Leber3AJ Mansour
11Tony BennettJohn Kriesel3
12Toni BraxtonAJ Mansour2Paul Lambert

The 25th Anniversary of TriBond is here! Play along here and be sure to share the TriBond of the Day! Place your mouse cursor over 'Answer' below and the solution will pop up. Missile Command is a 1980 arcade game developed and published by Atari, Inc. And licensed to Sega for European release. It was designed by Dave Theurer, who also designed Atari's vector graphics game Tempest from the same year.

InitialsGame 26: november 14 2014 the initials game 6

Game 26: November 14 2014 The Initials Game On

1AJ Mansour51121
2John Kriesel411
3Chris Hawkey211
4Ben Leber121
5Paul Lambert41
Notes & Quotes
This was the first game featuring random initials. Before, Cory picked the initials based on one of the player’s name.
AJ hit for the cycle.
Teddy Brewski was incorrectly guessed three times.
Meatsauce: “TB?”
Cory: “Yes, those are letters.”
Meatsauce: “He also did Bugs Bunny, right?”
Kriesel: “Not literally.”
Cory: “It didn’t really fit any of the clues, but yes, that wasn’t the worst guess I’ve ever heard.”

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Initials: S.M.
Host: Cory Cove
Players: Chris Hawkey, Paul Lambert, AJ Mansour, Barb Hueser

1Steve McNair(stumped)Chris Hawkey (BF)
2Smash MouthChris Hawkey3
3Space MountainAJ MansourChris Hawkey
4Steve MillerPaul LambertBarb Hueser
5Stephon MarburyAJ Mansour
6Scary MoviePaul Lambert
7Sarah MclachlanPaul Lambert2
8Super MarioAJ MansourChris Hawkey
9Sir Mix-a-LotPaul Lambert
10Steve MartinAJ Mansour
11Slumdog MillionairePaul LambertChris Hawkey
AJ Mansour
12Sam MalonePaul Lambert3
1Paul Lambert611
2AJ Mansour41
3Chris Hawkey1411
4Barb Hueser01

Game 26: November 14 2014 The Initials Games

Notes & Quotes
Hawk, after the clues “Ric Flair’s nickname” and “sometimes used to describe a sex move”: “Starvin’ Marvin!”
AJ, after the clue “debuted in 2009”: “Steve Martin!” (Steve Martin was the answer to the last item, too.)

Game 26: November 14 2014 The Initials Game Show

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