Pixel Position Inseppctor For Macos

  1. Pixel Position Inseppctor For Macos Sierra
  2. Pixel Position Inseppctor For Macos Catalina
  3. Pixel Position Inseppctor For Macos High Sierra


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ActorPositionWS outputs Vector3 (RGB) data representing the location of the object with this material on it in world-space.

In this example, you can see that ActorPositionWS is being fed directly into the Base Color of the material. As a result, each of the spheres with the material applied to them show a different color as they are moved to different locations in 3D space. Note that the result of the ActorPositionWS node is being divided by 1600 to create a nice blend-in color, rather than a pop.


The CameraWorldPosition expression outputs a three-channel vector value representing the camera's position in world space.

The preview sphere changes color as the camera rotates.


The LightmapUVs expression outputs the lightmap UV texture coordinates in the form of a two-channel vector value. If lightmap UVs are unavailable, it will output a two-channel vector value of (0,0).

Pixel Position Inseppctor For Macos Sierra


The ObjectOrientation expression outputs the world-space up vector of the object. In other words, the object's local positive z-axis is pointing in this direction.


The ObjectPositionWS expression outputs the world-space center position of the object's bounds. For example, this is useful for creating spherical lighting for foliage.


The Object Radius outputs a value equal to the radius of a given object in Unreal units. Scaling is taken into account and the results can be unique for each individual object. Princeton review ap calculus bc.

In this example, both meshes are receiving this material in which the ObjectRadius is fed into Diffuse. The ObjectRadius output is being divided by 512 to provide a more meaningful visual result.



Pixel Position Inseppctor For Macos Catalina

The Panner expression outputs UV texture coordinates that can be used to create panning, or moving, textures.

In this image, ParticlePositionWS is being fed into emissive color to visualize the data. The particle system has been scaled up to show how the color is changing based on position.


The PixelNormalWS expression outputs vector data representing the direction that pixels are facing based on the current normal.

In this example, PixelNormalWS is fed into Base Color. Notice how the normal map is used to give the per-pixel result.


The Rotator expression outputs UV texture coordinates in the form of a two-channel vector value that can be used to create rotating textures.



In this example, ViewSize is being fed into Base Color. The result is divided by 2,400 to provide a more meaningful result.


The WorldPosition expression outputs the position of the current pixel in world space. To visualize, simply plug the output into Emissive:

Pixel Position Inseppctor For Macos High Sierra

Common uses are to find the radial distance from the camera to a pixel (as opposed to the orthogonal distance from PixelDepth). WorldPosition is also useful to use as a texture coordinate and have unrelated meshes using the texture coord match up when they are near each other. Here is a basic example of using WorldPosition.xy to planar map a texture:





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The VertexNormalWS expression outputs the world-space vertex normal. It can only be used in material inputs that are executed in the vertex shader, like WorldPositionOffset. This is useful for making a mesh grow or shrink. Note that offsetting position along the normal will cause the geometry to split apart along UV seams.

In the example above, the preview sphere would seem to scale up and down with sinusoidal motion, as each of the vertices moved in their own normal directions.


The ViewSize expression outputs a 2D vector giving the size of the current view in pixels. This is useful for causing various changes in your materials based on the current resolution of the screen.

Preview Window Size: 740x700

Preview Window Size: 740x280